Nursa Privacy Policy

Last update: January 2020

Nursa™ respects and protects your privacy

Nursa™ is strongly committed to protecting and respecting your privacy rights. This privacy policy ( “Privacy Policy”) sets out the basis on which Nursa™ collects and uses personal data from visitors to our website or app located, or hosted at and any other digital assets associated with Nursa, LLC (“Platform”) and subscribers to any of our marketing materials and services available through the Platform. Use of the Platform constitutes your consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Please review this policy carefully before submitting any information to Nursa™ through the Platform. Capitalized terms not defined in this Privacy Policy shall have the meaning set forth in our Terms of Use.

What personal information is collected?

Nursa™ collects data, such as, but not limited to, name, address, e-mail address, nursing license information, fax and telephone numbers, employer and credit card information, etc (collectively, “Your personal stuff”), from you, through your use of the Platform. Nursa™ may keep a record of any correspondence with you. Nursa™ may retain copies of all information that you provide through the Platform, both during your use of the Platform and any services available through the Platform and after termination or expiration of such use. Nursa™ may also ask you to complete surveys for research purposes and may keep a copy of your responses. Please note that you are not obliged to respond to such surveys

Does Nursa™ track users?

Nursa™ may collect information about your device and browsing preferences, including, but not limited to your IP address, operating system, browser, mobile hardware provider, etc. In some circumstances, Nursa™ uses cookies to enhance the functionality of the Platform. A cookie is a small data file stored on your device. Nursa™ uses cookies to identify a customer and to store details. In addition, Nursa™ uses cookies to indicate the number of devices used by each customer to log-in to the Platform, and to prevent abuse of the Platform and logins. Nursa™ also collects information on referring websites, IP addresses, browsers, devices and other data Nursa™ deems applicable, used by customers when they access the Platform, and uses such information reasonably for it’s regular operational purposes. You may refuse to accept cookies by activating the setting on your device which allows you to refuse the setting of cookies. However, if you select this setting you may be unable to access certain parts or functionality of the Platform. Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse cookies, the Platform will issue cookies when you log in to the Platform. Please note that Nursa™ may use technology service providers to help monitor Website usage. Some of these service providers may collect details through cookies on Nursa™ behalf.

How does Nursa™ use personal information?

Nursa™ may use information collected from you for a number of purposes, including but not limited to the following:

  • For direct marketing campaigns, as permitted by law; Nursa™ will give you the option to opt out of each commercial email communication that it sends to you;
  • To provide you with information and services that you request from Nursa™ or which Nursa™ feels may interest you, where you have consented for such purposes;
  • To customize the Platform to your preferences;
  • To provide you with services available through the Platform, for which you register;
  • To develop new features of the Platform and services available through the Platform, and for testing and other development purposes that do not involve disclosure to third parties;
  • To carry out Nursa™’ obligations under any contracts with you;
  • To allow you to participate in interactive features of the Platform, when you choose to do so;
  • To notify you about the changes to the Platform or any services available through the Platform, including new product announcements;
  • To conduct internal administration of Nursa™ business.

Does Nursa™ disclose Your personal stuff to Third Parties?

Nursa™ may disclose your Your personal stuff to third party vendors used by Nursa, including the distribution of email communications. Nursa™ does not permit third party vendors to use Your personal stuff for any purpose outside of those disclosed within this Privacy Policy. Nursa™ may disclose the names of Users of the Platform to enquiring parties only if the enquiring party is from the same organization as the User. In addition, Nursa™ may disclose Your personal stuff to third parties under the following circumstances:

  • In the event that Nursa™ sells or buys any business or assets, in which case Nursa™ may disclose Your personal stuff to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets;
  • If Nursa™ or substantially all of its assets are acquired by a third party, in which case Your personal stuff held by it about its customers will be one of the transferred assets;
  • If Nursa™ is under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation;
  • To protect the rights, property or safety of Nursa™ or its customers, which includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction.

Nursa™ may use all of Your Platform usage data, including that which is specific to User, and the Business Data for the purpose of creating aggregated and anonymized statistics (the “Aggregate Data”). Nursa™ shall be the sole owner of the Aggregate Data and, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, shall be free to use and disclose the Aggregate Data at its discretion. Aggregate Data shall not include the User’s Business Data unless it has first been aggregated with data belonging to other Nursa™ clients, shall not identify User as the source of any specific piece of data, and shall not include any Your personal stuff or data specific to any individual identified in User’s Business Data.

Securing your personal information

Nursa™ takes reasonable steps to protect Your personal stuff as you transmit such information from your device to the Platform, and to protect such information from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. You should keep in mind, however, that no internet transmission is 100% secure or error-free. In particular, e-mail sent to or from the Platform may not be secure, and you should therefore take special care in deciding what information you send to the Platform via e-mail or other electronic means. Where Nursa™ has given you a username and/or password which enables you to access certain parts of the Platform, you are responsible for keeping such information confidential.

Third party websites

The Platform may, from time to time, contain links to external websites. Nursa™ encourages you to review the privacy and security policies of any externally linked websites that may be accessed through the Platform. Nursa™ assumes no responsibility or liability for the information, collection and disclosure practices of any external websites that a User can access through the Platform. Please check the privacy policies of these external websites before you submit any Your personal stuff or other information to them.

Changing your personal information

To keep Your personal stuff accurate, current and complete, please contact us via Nursa™ shall use commercially reasonable efforts to respond to your data access request within 30 days of receiving your request. If Nursa™ is unable to respond to your request within such period Nursa™ shall use commercially reasonable efforts to notify you of the reason why Nursa™ is unable. Should you choose to unsubscribe from any mailing lists for which you registered, you may do so by following the instructions on how to unsubscribe provided in all Nursa™ communications.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Nursa™ reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time and from time to time. You should check this Privacy Policy each time you use the Platform to determine if any changes have been made. If you use the Platform after changes have been posted, you will be deemed to have agreed to the amended Privacy Policy.


Nursa™ does not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 18 through the Platform. If you are under the age of 18, please do not provide any information through the Platform. We encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children’s Internet usage and to help enforce this Privacy Policy by instructing their children to never provide any information on the Platform or any other website without their permission. If you have reason to believe that a child under the age of 18 has provided information to Nursa™ through the Platform, please contact us using, and we will endeavor to delete that information from our databases

Nursa™ is what it is Thanks to You

If you have any queries about the privacy statement or to report a privacy issue, please contact us using the information on the Contact section of the platform. Thank you, from all of us at Nursa™.